
Autism Resource Library

This project, the Autism Resource Library, will be available for carers to access at lilydale, whereby they can have access to high quality autism parenting and support books before making purchases themsleves. This will allow for a more targetted approach to supporting their children and give access to high quality material by reducing financial barriers. Often, Carers can’t attend workshops at night due to the needs of their children or lack of appropriate support. By having a Resource Library available, they can access information in their own time without having to source additional support. Local libraries do not stock these resources and the only sizeable resource collection for Carers is found in Carlton, which is 1 hour drive from Lilydale. Examples of books include – The Social Story Book, Exploring Feelings, My Friend with Autism, Executive Function Dysfunction, and many more titles involving friendships, behaviour supports, accessing therapy, classroom supports and more.