by editor | Dec 6, 2021 | Exhibitions, Past exhibitions
Albert and Barbara Tucker Gallery, Heide Museum of Modern Art 13 SEPTEMBER 2014 – 15 FEBRUARY 2015 CURATORS: LESLEY HARDING & KENDRAH MORGAN In 1944 Albert Tucker discovered two intriguing paintings in an unexpected location—a bicycle shop in Swanston Street,...
by editor | Dec 5, 2021 | Exhibitions, Past exhibitions
Albert and Barbara Tucker Gallery, Heide Museum of Modern Art 15 March to 7 September 2014 Curator: Kendrah Morgan When the Japanese bombed Darwin on 19 February 1942 Australians had to face the arrival of World War II on their doorstep. Life in Melbourne changed...
by editor | Dec 5, 2021 | Exhibitions, Past exhibitions
Albert and Barbara Tucker Gallery, Heide Museum of Modern Art 11 February to 11 August 2013 Curator: Lesley Harding Albert Tucker held a career-long fascination with non-Western art. First collecting masks and sculptures in Melbourne in the 1940s, he later travelled...
by editor | Dec 5, 2021 | Exhibitions, Past exhibitions
Albert and Barbara Tucker Gallery, Heide Museum of Modern Art 15 September 2012 to 10 February 2013 Curator: Kendrah Morgan On his departure for Europe in October 1947 Albert Tucker famously observed: ‘I am a refugee from Australia culture’. Disenchanted with the...
by editor | Dec 5, 2021 | Exhibitions, Past exhibitions, Uncategorized
Albert and Barbara Tucker Gallery, Heide Museum of Modern Art 25 March to 9 September 2012 Curators: Sue Cramer and Linda Michael Albert Tucker (1914–1999) photographed the people and places around him as a personal record—only later at the suggestion of others were...