Operation Uganda

Keeping Girls in School https://operationuganda.org Teenage girls are one of the most vulnerable target groups, statistics tell us that only 25% of students that were able to attend secondary school in Uganda graduated, therefore 75% did not complete or graduate...


Protest is a Creative Act: Australian Women Photographers, 1975-2025  https://maph.org.au/ Timed to coincide with the 50th anniversary of International Women’s Year and International Women’s Day, MAPh will present Protest is a Creative Act, 6 June – 31 August 2025....

Make A Difference, Dingley Village

There’s 2 Million of Us Out Here! Poverty is Everyone’s Business… https://maddv.com.au/ Our project primary goals and objectives are: (1) To provide desperate people on low income, unemployed, single parents, asylum seekers, people from the COLD...

Kinglake Friends of the Forest

Expanding surveying capacity to address continuing threats to forests https://kinglakefriendsoftheforest.com Clearfell logging by VicForests has ended in Victoria, in part due to the success of our greater glider court case. However, other very significant threats to...