Science-based Conservation
Bob Brown Foundation takes bold action, based on ecological evidence, to protect wild places and threatened species, especially in Tasmania. We are seeking support from the Albert and Barbara Tucker Foundation to back our science-led conservation work in the forests and the coastal waters of Tasmania. In the past year our monitoring and data-gathering of Swift Parrot breeding and feeding sites led to court-imposed logging halts. s 2024/25, we want to extend our citizen science data collection, and wish to secure a part-time Science Assistant to manage those activities, including some travel and other equipment expenses. This program – Summer of Swifties – involving monitoring and recording Swift Parrots in active and proposed logging coupes around Tasmania. Program cost will be approximately $10,000, and the results will form a key asset when compiling our next Swift Parrot report in February/March 2025. At the same time, we are expanding our marine direct actions to protect the critically endangered Maugean Skate from likely extinction, caused by the damage of farmed salmon in fragile marine environments. We seek a Marine Campaign Action Coordinator who will coordinate marine direct actions, training volunteers and assist our Foundation with campaign activities and events. The salary cost for this part-time role for 6 months is $15,000, which will permit our Foundation to fulfil a calendar of activities between late October and April.
The Tucker Foundation is not currently accepting grant applications.
The dates of our next funding round will be advertised here as soon as they are available.