Going Green to Rescue, Rehabilitate and Release Wildlife in Need


This application is split into three components, each focusing on a different aspect of our rehabilitation facility.- It’s in the news, the cost of living is hitting households hard. What the news isn’t covering is how the cost of ‘living’ is hitting volunteer based organisations, especially those who cannot simply turn off a light switch to save on energy costs. The first part is continuing our mission to reduce our environmental impact. To help us harness what our solar panels capture when the sun is shining our shelter would like to install a battery system. This system will reduce our grid dependency when we are running the washing machines 5 or 6 times a day, or the multiple fridges required to keep the formula, fruit and vegetables nice and cool.- The second component is the purchase of a portable oxygen concentrator for the growing number of high need patients we are receiving into care. This small portable unit hooks into out intensive care units and provides oxygen therapy to some of our sickest patients.- The third component is to compliment building works which are soon to kick off as part of our shelter extension. This extension will provide dedicated space for quarantine and areas for additional indoor caging.



The Tucker Foundation is not currently accepting grant applications.


The dates of our next funding round will be advertised here as soon as they are available.