No Roads Expeditions Foundation

PNG Medical Outreach Patrols Program Certain remote communities in PNG do not receive any form of health care, without NREF’s support. Women and infants die during birth, patients are subjected to primitive medical practices, adults...

Sumatran Sun Bear Team

Building Sumatra’s first Sun Bear Conservation and Rescue Centre The Sumatran Sun Bear Team are building the first rescue and conservation centre for rescued or confiscated Sun Bears (Helarctos Malayanus) in North Sumatra. The...

The Bandari Project

Bandari Student Scholarships This project aims to enable 20 students to enroll into the Bandari Primary School and receive quality, free education. Grant funding will assist us in meeting this goal by contributing towards the cost of...

Wildlife of the Central Highlands

Bushfires legal action: WOTCH v VicForests  In January 2020 as the scale and impact of the bushfires was just being revealed, we launched an urgent Supreme Court action to protect the habitat of some of our threatened species most severely impacted by...