Central Highlands and Gippsland Forest Alliance


In response to many years of community campaigning, the Victorian government has made a commitment to a transition out of native forest logging by 2030. However, plans for a transition are stalled, logging trucks are still coming in droves and smashing what is left of Victoria’s precious native forests. The fires of 2019/20 have caused enormous damage across eastern Victoria, which is being compounded by salvage logging.

In response to community calls for increased support for regional forest protection, Friends of the Earth will help ensure the early transition away from the current unsustainable logging practises. This will include the development of a community led transition plan, working with a regional alliance of community organisations based in the Central Highlands and Gippsland.

Project funding will be used for Citizen Science research and data collection:

Coordinate volunteer citizen scientists to undertake research and surveys over summer 2021 onwards in high-significance coupes scheduled for logging.
● Training and survey techniques
● Bio-blitz-style citizen science survey days
● Outreach in inner city for additional volunteers
● Ensure all safety planning for these events
● Liaison with other citizen science groups


The Tucker Foundation is not currently accepting grant applications.


The dates of our next funding round will be advertised here as soon as they are available.