Grants Awarded

Operation Uganda

Keeping Girls in School Teenage girls are one of the most vulnerable target groups, statistics tell us that only 25% of students that were able to attend secondary school in Uganda graduated, therefore 75% did not complete or graduate...

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Our lore indigenous corporation

Feed our The project is tackling the two main issues in our area within the ATSI community. 1. Food insecurity so weekly Tuesdays and Thursdays we do food runs to 120 families to give them food at no cost to cover the food in there...

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Rainforest Rescue

Protecting & Rehabilitating Precious and Under-Protected Daintree Rainforest Flora & Fauna: Stronger Than Ever Before Planting of 1,000 more rainforest seedlings to regenerate damaged Daintree rainforest habitat to re-build...

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Bob Brown Foundation

Science-based Conservation Bob Brown Foundation takes bold action, based on ecological evidence, to protect wild places and threatened species, especially in Tasmania. We are seeking support from the Albert and Barbara Tucker Foundation to back our...

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Bungalook Creek Wildlife Shelter

Going Green to Rescue, Rehabilitate and Release Wildlife in Need This application is split into three components, each focusing on a different aspect of our rehabilitation facility.- It's in the news, the cost of...

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Bunurong Wildlife Care Inc

Wildlife Pantry Our wildlife food 'pantry' is nearly bare (running very low) and we are reaching out for support, so that we can continue to care for injured, ill or orphaned wildlife across our region. We have had a three fold increase...

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City of Liverpool Meals on Wheels

Bridge the Gap - Nourish lives, one meal at a The demand for our meal services is increasing and our kitchen’s reliability must be fully operational to ensure that we at City of Liverpool Meals on Wheels can respond effectively to...

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Environmental Justice Australia

Using the law to protect nature We use a powerful combination of the law and legal advocacy campaigns to protect and restore key at-risk ecosystems: Southern Ocean: Seismic blasting for petroleum and gas exploration in the Otway Basin has...

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Heide Museum of Modern Art

The Albert and Barbara Tucker Gallery 2025 The Albert and Barbara Tucker Gift to Heide, formalised in 2005, acknowledges the role that Heide founders John and Sunday Reed played in Albert Tucker’s career. The Heide years were for Tucker a...

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The Tucker Foundation is not currently accepting grant applications.


The dates of our next funding round will be advertised here as soon as they are available.