Grants Awarded

Project Didi Australia

Education scholarships for young people in Nepal to break the cycle of trafficking and violence This project focuses on providing funding for young people in Nepal who have decided to pursue further education through Diplomas. This...

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Operation Uganda

Keeping Girls in School Teenage girls are one of the most vulnerable target groups, statistics tell us that only 25% of students that were able to attend secondary school in Uganda graduated due to early marriage, teenage pregnancy, and...

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Dingo Conservation Centre

Wombat Facility and Educational Facility & Program Wombat Facility: Finance is being sought for a wombat facility to include 6 external wombat pens, underground fireproof burrows and a small hospital ward capable of maintaining...

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Geelong Food Relief Centre Inc

The weekly purchase of nutritious food for the Geelong Food Banks In the recent past GFRC has witnessed unprecedented demand for Emergency Food. As a direct result this has dramatically increased the need to secure volume ambient food for...

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Diamond Women

Linking Arms Through Lockdown - Supporting women & children facing DV through a pandemic Linking Arms Through Lockdown is a strategy to counter the unparalleled increase in Domestic Violence (DV) our pregnant clients are...

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Cisarua Learning Ltd

Online Learning Support for Afghan refugees in Indonesia The project seeks to enhance student and teacher access to essential technology for education – in particular laptops for teachers and data bundles for students. The restrictions...

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The Tucker Foundation is not currently accepting grant applications.


The dates of our next funding round will be advertised here as soon as they are available.