Upskilling Women: Sewing Training Courses, Life Skills Classes and Mentoring in Cambodia

The program aims to support six rural Cambodian women living in poverty and susceptible to abuse through a 10-month comprehensive sewing program. These women have not graduated high school, and lack the skills to earn a stable and sufficient income.

The program, run by our local partner HHA, provides women with a sustainable skill that enables them to earn income just three months into studying. It provides training in sewing skills to advanced level, microfinance loans to buy sewing machines, and skills to establish sustainable businesses to support the women and their families. A matched savings program encourages students to form a savings habit for the first time in their lives and ensures they remain in the course until the end, to withdraw their funds and funds matched with a grant from the Tucker Foundation.

The program also includes life skills training on issues identified in the community such as domestic violence, child protection, goal setting, road safety, financial management, family planning and hygiene. This provides students with greater awareness and confidence to manage family life and become more involved in local community decision-making.

The program’s intended outcome is for all six women to achieve a minimum monthly income of USD$100 within three months after graduation, with their income continuing to grow over time. This initiative will not only lift women out of poverty, it will also positively impact the Sambour community in Siem Reap.


The Tucker Foundation is not currently accepting grant applications.


The dates of our next funding round will be advertised here as soon as they are available.