Rainbow Community Inclusivity Education E-Learning Platform


JOY provides LGBTQIA+ inclusion and Diversity Training to Organisations, Businesses and Start Ups, supporting the community by helping these organisations gain a greater understanding of the LGBTQIA community. Currently, our training resources are spread across multiple low-tech platforms, with no standardisation. Administering this system is labour-intensive and inefficient, and negatively impacts our ability to deliver professional training to grow this income stream for our not-for-profit organisation.

Centralising our training into a Learning Management System (LMS) would significantly reduce the excess hours of administration involved to run our training, it would streamline reporting, it would professionalise the experience for those paying to do our training courses and it would allow us to offer new kinds of training, thereby expanding our ability to make our own income, and reduce our reliance on donations. Utilising an eLearning platform will also give JOY the ability to deliver our training online to participants located around Australia – helping to create social change and help increase the equal treatment and social acceptance of all persons.

After exploring many LMS options, we are applying for funding to employ a contractor to set up a custom Moodle LMS on our behalf, and to train our staff in using and updating the system into the future. We have chosen this option as, while the setup costs are about 1.5 x higher than other systems, it is free to use ongoing, making it far more financially sustainable for our organisation.


The Tucker Foundation is not currently accepting grant applications.


The dates of our next funding round will be advertised here as soon as they are available.