Wages for Clinical Educators to facilitate the organisations Maternal Education Program to Women and Health Workers in Tanzania
www.midwifevision.org Midwife vision wishes to implement their current training program, SHINE (Survival, Happiness, Intervention, Nurturing and Education) to additional health facilities, The Ilala Afya Health Clinic and Mabibo Health Centre, in the Ilala district of Dar es Salaam. The initiative, which currently educates 40 – 60 Women and Health Workers each month at Amana Hospital, is a life-saving program that provides high-quality health information to women in: Family Planning, Nutrition and Antenatal & Postnatal Care and trains Midwives, Nurses and Health Workers in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the ‘top 5’ leading morbid conditions, that consequently can lead to death: Pre-eclampsia/Eclampsia; Post-partum Haemorrhage; Sepsis/Infections; Obstructed/Prolonged Labour; and Birth Asphyxia. Program content adopts up-to-date clinical knowledge from Laerdal Medical, to identify risks during pregnancy and childbirth, continued professional development for Midwives and Nurses and capacity-building education for Health Workers and follows a holistic approach in teaching, beyond just the practical skills to medically assist mother and baby, but to care, nurture and educate as well. Midwife Vision has an opportunity to deliver the program to additional health facilities in the Ilala district, however due to the impact of COVID-19 and the increase in costs to receive resources, funds to maintain current operational costs have taken priority, leaving little money to support Clinical Educators in wages to facilitate the program. SHINE offers Women and Health Workers on-the-job training, workshops, discussion groups and completion certificates and focuses on evidence-based solutions that can be scaled up to benefit as many women and newborns as possible.
The Tucker Foundation is not currently accepting grant applications.
The dates of our next funding round will be advertised here as soon as they are available.