Mooloolah River Waterwatch and Landcare Inc.

This project will enable MRL to expand our native plant propagation by providing the facilities needed to increase the processing of native seeds and plants to meet the growing demand while ensuring the comfort, efficiency and safety of volunteers and staff involved in the propagation operations.

From seeds gathered from the Mooloolah River and its environs, one of MRL’s key strategic activities to increase the biodiversity in the catchment is by supplying native plants from our nursery facility to schools and community organisations and for sale to residents for their gardens and businesses for restoration. However, our nursery is more than its plants, since our early days the native plant nursery has been at our heart, bringing together the Mooloolah River community, mentoring avid gardeners and budding environmentalists both young and old, and serving as a springboard for raising awareness on the importance of native species in our landscape.

Currently, MRL’ s nursery faces the daunting constraints of inadequate space and an aged and at times faltering facility. For our nursery’s continued success, it needs to be enlarged and renewed. The proposed renovation includes enlarging our current nursery seed processing and potting area, roof insulation, overhead fan, expanded wash area (for seeds and potting), an energy efficient refrigerator for seeds storage, storage cupboards, and benches that are appropriate working height for safety of volunteer and staff and to increase the ease and efficiency of operations.


The Tucker Foundation is not currently accepting grant applications.


The dates of our next funding round will be advertised here as soon as they are available.