Keeping Girls in School

Teenage girls are one of the most vulnerable target groups, statistics tell us that only 25% of students that were able to attend secondary school in Uganda graduated, therefore 75% did not complete or graduate secondary school due to early marriage, teenage pregnancy, and dropout. Dropout of teenage female students has been largely due to lack of sanitary items which causes a teenage girl to miss upwards of a quarter of her school year and subsequently causes lower grades and absent from examinations. Funds will be used to provide 3,000 teenage girls with sanitary items that will provide a minimum of 12mths use. Our social work team have identified 3000 vulnerable teenage girls who will go through our “Keep A Girl in School” program, 30 sessions will be conducted of 100 teenage girls per session which promotes positive choices for teenage girls, and helps promote a positive self- image, each girl will receive an AfriPads School Girl Kit along with a colour booklet that explains what is happening in a girl’s changing body, the booklet also has a twelve month calendar to assist the teenage girl in monitoring her menstruation cycle. Training sessions will involve a half day of training, games, and fun, and snacks will be provided the girls will be given a mentor as part of the program to ensure ongoing monitoring and encouragement to the participants. This project will be run for female students from Kasubi Secondary School located in Kawaala, Kampala, we have maintained a strong relationship with the school over the past 15 years, and also from Abim Secondary School where our second project area is. Teenage girls will be empowered and given the opportunity to complete secondary school.


The Tucker Foundation is not currently accepting grant applications.


The dates of our next funding round will be advertised here as soon as they are available.