Rescue Dog Support 

We work with Vets, local Councils and pet shelters around the country and OS, providing online training courses to individuals who have adopted a rescue dog from a registered shelter. If specialist training is not provided within the first 2 weeks of adoption, the likelihood of the dog being abandoned, increases significantly. Our training is focussed on educating communities and children on dog behaviour and safety. The new owners are referred to us by the shelters and we provide one-on-one online training to assist them to retrain their new dog so that it can safely remain with them long term. 

During our latest project we were able to achieve the following outcomes:

  • Set up an advanced support line system for foster carers and new pet adoption owners. This involves a dog training system where dog owners and foster carers can communicate with our team of trainers, asking questions and receiving feedback for their online learning to solves behavioural issues or to just learn training skills for the dog they are caring for.
  • Hire professional videographers to create and edit dog training videos that are supplied by our trainers to those in need of support. These videos include, how to prevent or stop unwanted behaviour with the right techniques, tips and tricks to help new owners bond with their new adopted dog, videos on how to lower a dog’s energy and calm the common side effects that we see from our rescues, including anxiety, stress, and abnormal behaviours that most people find too hard to resolve or live with.
  • Create an online video and learning content for children and their families at home. This includes how to safely approach an unknown dog, how to prevent dogs in their own home from displaying aggressive behaviour towards children and to help children understand how to appropriately behave around any animal for the animal’s wellbeing as well as their safety. Due to the lack of travel that we could offer during the pandemic period, having these resources available online has been a great achievement and has received wonderful feedback.

With the additional online videos, content course and support line we have been able to offer our services to 3 x times the amount of people with this automated learning option. We will continue to automate our services to broaden our audience and to help more people at once, offering immediate access to the resources they need.


The Tucker Foundation is not currently accepting grant applications.


The dates of our next funding round will be advertised here as soon as they are available.