Eradication of mange in the local wombat population in the Southern Highlands of NSW
Wombatised is currently deeply involved in our program of treating mange in a large area on the wombat population and also teaching , demonstrating and encouraging carers, farmers, property owners, students and more to recognise and treat wombats with mange and supply them with the appropriate medications. Our program has matured to the extent that we have created a local community of interested and concerned property owners who’s land a significant number of wombats call home, as well as passionate children and students who are committed to the cause of reducing horrific mange and associated illnesses in the local wombat population and to agitating for change at a governmental level to reduce the destruction of native animal habitats and the resultant threat to the species. At this inflexion point in our program, we require the capacity to provide mange medications and training in their application to our significant community of concerned and passionate community members. Our information campaign has been successful in creating awareness of the plight of our beloved animals, however the measurement of true success, now, is in providing our community with the tools to affect real change within the local wombat population, thereby ensure program sustainability through demonstrating tangible outcomes.
The Tucker Foundation is not currently accepting grant applications.
The dates of our next funding round will be advertised here as soon as they are available.